Category Archives: Board Minutes

Board Minutes 3/23/2016

Present: Becky, Marna, Jerry, Bryan, Mary, Gloria, Carl and Denise
Unanimous vote to donate a “basket” to High on Health, value up to $150. Becky volunteered to buy the products.
Agreed that the last meeting of each month would continue to be a combined Rotary club and Chamber lunch.
Marna said she would ask Jon Van Dort (baseball coach) to contribute to Party in the Park.
The April 6 lunch will be held at Mangia Buff. This is a business meeting but Karlie Wright will give a brief summation of the youth Basketball season.
In discussing whether to move the weekly luncheon to Mangia Buff, we also discussed asking John Rush if there is storage space for our supplies and whether we might rent a room in the Gold Rush building for our meetings and have them catered by different restaurants or brown-bagging it.
Carl wanted to ask the membership to ok grants for the STEAM program.
Carl also explained his involvement in Cycle Oregon and asked that Rotary help man the rest stops for which we will be paid.
Addendum: Business meeting
Voted to ask for grant for scholarships from the GBCF.
Voted to file for $2000 matching grant from the District.
Voted to give baseball teams $350 for a banner.
Voted to give $500 to Little League.

Business Meeting 3/2/2016

The first monthly business meeting was held at Mangia Buff. A quorum was present (18 members). PE Carl King presented.

The RI club constitution was discussed. It was moved, seconded and with a unanimous vote, was approved as presented.

Proposed by-laws were discussed. All articles not held were voted and approved by the club. Article 5 sec.3 on politics was held as was Article 12, the method of electing members.

March 16, 2016 business meeting to further discuss the tabled articles.  A quorum was present and #12 was approved with a 2/3 vote.  Art.5sec3 was discussed and failed the vote as it is already addressed in the constitution. Art.10, dealing with the Oregon Community Foundation was readdressed  and voted down by a 2/3 vote.



Board Minutes 2/11/2016

Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

Unanimous vote to name a $1000 scholarship after David Little and to contribute the family scholarship in the Gold beach Education Fund.

Also voted to put $40,000 into the money market.

Bylaws were discussed. Membership procedures and protocols were discussed as was setting up a 501c3.  All will be presented to the club at the business meeting for approval.

New business: With the start of monthly meetings with the Chamber of Commerce, it was voted and approved to keep “happy dollars” but not take fines. The highlighted speaker from the Chamber will have 5 minutes to promote his/her business. The proceeds from the raffle pot will be split 50-50.

Unanimously voted to sponsor 2 4H bunny cages at $100 a cage.


Board Minutes 1/14/2016

Present were Gloria Eide, Mary Stansell, Jeremy Skinner, Denise King, Carl King, Becky Atherton and Jerry Herbage.

Treasurer’s report: Becky reported a $10 discrepancy in the basketball program’s deposit. It was determined they should have deposit slips and go through the tellers.  Setting up a separate account was discussed.

The Christmas party bottle auction brought in $840.

Carl brought up the fact that the club has enough Paul Harris points to give pins to a number of members.

The board unanimously voted to give $250 to Jim Johnson for his homeless program.

Much discussion again on food service from the Friends of the Fairgrounds. Unanimous vote in favor of having lunch the 1st Wednesday of each month at Mangia Buff, for a trial period of 3 months.

Discussed having a club social instead of a meeting on every 5th Wednesday, starting March 30. June 29th will be a transition social for the incoming board.

Carl reminded the board that we have committed to helping the Riley Creek school and the Lobster Creek campground and need to have grant applications in by June.

Annual Meeting 12/30/2015

The recently revised (and required) Rotary club “constitution” states that there shall be a club assembly or meeting no later than December 31 to elect the officers and board members to take office the following July 1st.
The current board nominated a slate of officers and board members. It was published in the club bulletin last week. Those nominations were: Carl King, president, Bryan Grummon, past president; Becky Atherton, treasurer; Denise King, secretary; Board members: Mary Stansell, Gloria Eide, Jeremy Skinner, Marna Williams, and Jerry Herbage.
It was moved and seconded that the nominations be closed. Club voted unanimously in favor.
It was moved and seconded that those nominated be elected by acclamation. Club voted unanimously in favor.
There was no further business to come before the meeting which was then adjourned.

Denise King

Board Minutes 12/9/2015

Present were Mary, Gloria, Bryan, Jeremy, Becky, Carl, Marna and Denise First order of business was a discussion as to how new member proposals are handled.
Carl King was voted unanimously to be on the board. He brought up for discussion RI rules for board elections and the timing of elections. He also talked about getting a matching grant for the club, The application needs to be submitted by June 30, 2016.
It was decided that the 12.30.15 club meeting will be a short business meeting to elect the nominated board slate and to put forth the budget for the club members.
Marna suggested we have the 12.23 meeting at Docia Sweet for an informal lunch and to help decorate for the FoF annual Christmas dinner. Unanimously agreed.
Gina Jorgensen agreed to be on the tri-club Cape Blanco committee.
Gloria Eide will be acting president from January through March of 2016.

Board minutes 11/4/2015

Present were Bryan, Mary, Gloria, Becky, Jeremy, Marna, and Denise.

The board voted unanimously to donate $1000 from High on Health to the senior center.

We have 4 to 5 volunteers to help at the Turkey trot and Hospice will open the warehouse in case of inclement weather.

Bryan Little agreed to close out the basketball account. It will transfer to Umpqua.  Marna will continue to be the liaison but it was decided that the program should be autonomous.  Hopefully the parents will take it over.

Dave Sanders and Alan Terrett have agreed to be the membership committee.  Marna and Jeremy will help recruit new members.

There are three new membership proposals: Roy Durfee, Harry Carlson and Maggie Fraser.  The board voted unanimously to accept Carl King as a transfer from Port Orford.

After much discussion it was agreed not to do the Salmon Derby.

It was unanimously voted to offer $250 for the Friends of the Fairgrounds Thanksgiving dinner and $250 for the Christmas dinner.

Discussed and decided to invite the Chamber of Commerce to have lunch once a month with Rotary and to give this a six month trial.


Board Minutes 10/6/2015

Present were John Bushnell, District Governor, Bryan, Jeremy, Gloria, Mary, and Denise. Guests were Mike Hewitt and Carl King (Port Orford club) and Phoebe Skinner.
Bryan Grummon would like to donate $2000 to Meals on Wheels. The board would like to see certain criteria met. before we donate the funds.  Then an
Phoebe skinner spoke to the need for a middle school health course. The board voted unanimously to fund $720 for health magazines for one year.
The rest of the meeting was given over to John Bushnell who spoke about various issues concerning Rotary, including exchange students and the need to engage existing members and attract new ones.

Board Minutes 9/2/2015

Present: Mary, Marna, Jeremy, Bryan, Gloria, Denise
Unanimously voted to give $500. to Gold Beach Youth Soccer.
The board voted unanimously to bring Mary and Gloria on.
We voted to take Bryan Little off the board, to switch the basketball checking account to Umpqua. Marna agreed to be the liaison to the basketball group.
New business: discussed helping Jot’s with a bridge lighting ceremony.
Voted unanimously to donate $500 towards the fireworks.
Discussed the need to have schedules for Cape Blanco music festival early.
Discussed whether we can help the Fairgrounds and should Rotary continue to have lunch there or move to different restaurants.
We also discussed assigning seating at lunch.
Jeremy asked if some of us would go to Buffington Park to meet the new faculty members of our schools.
Mary and Gloria will check up on the dictionaries for the 5th grade.

Board Minutes 8/27/2015

Present were Bryan Grumman, Marna Williams, Becky Atherton, Jeremy Skinner and John Rush.
The budget was approved unanimously. It was noted that 11 members had not yet paid their dues.
The following activities were discussed. Bryan showed the mock-up of the menu for our booth at the Country Music Festival. The board was
quite impressed with his work!
Rotary will pick up the insurance for the Agness mini-triathlon.
The 8/14 social at Rush’s house will have a Hawaiian theme. John and Hazel will provide the food and guests will bring drinks.
A future service project at the Lobster Creek campground was discussed.
Jeremy brought up the GoPAC project. This supplies every other elementary classroom between Smith River and Port Orford (including Head Start programs) with an emergency supply pack in the event of a major emergency. Community funding will be matched by the Ford Foundation. The board voted unanimously to contribute $1500.00. Becky reminded the board that it had discussed contributing to the Dreams, Hope and Faith foundation. The board unanimously approved donating $1000.00
In other new business, Marna agreed to be the liaison to the Friends of the Fairgrounds.
Next board meeting is 9/2/15 at Indian Creek at 7am.