Category Archives: Board Minutes

Board Minutes 2/22/17

Topics for discussion were:
Party in the Park will be held on July 18 with a Lego theme. We will collect Legos to hand out to the children as they go through the various activities. Discussed whether to give a grand prize (winner must be present to win) or to earmark the proceeds for something else.
There was a question as to where the snack pack money has gone and who is in charge of it. We did get a thank you note from Maureen Boyle for our $1000 donation.
From Marna: Should we have the officers listed on the front page of our newsletter? Would like to assign a weekly greeter who will also give the thought for the day.
Roy has had several students interested in RYLA. We will send 2 to RYLA and Becky will send the check to the district.
Discussed the basketball fundraiser and decide to table it. Much doubt as to whether we can afford to do it.
Our next fundraiser will be on Cinco de Mayo with fish tacos and games for the children. It will be held in both rooms at the Senior Center, public invited.

Board Meeting 1/25/17

Greg, Bryan, Marna, Jeremy, Becky, Gloria, Denise

High on Health is 4/22. The color theme is blue and silver and the entertainment is a magician/hypnotist. Gloria reported that someone complained to her that HOH dollars were being spent on other things. The HOH mission statement from several years ago states all money goes to health and family related services. Marna asked what are the parameters of giving.

Bryan again stressed the need for volunteers for HOH.

CHF has asked that we contribute all or some of our share to them. Rotary views itself as necessary to helping smaller community needs and the vote was unanimous not to give any money to CHF.

Jeremy talked about Girls Who Code, a job prep/training program for young women 16-24. Bryan is liaison. Also discussed Southern Oregon Work Investment Board . Due to the stigma attached to unemployment and job training, library staff is being trained to do work training.

Discussion about public access tv: probably don’t want to televise our meetings or commit to hosting a program. But what about the possibility of funding a program where high school students can learn how/ run the AV programming.

Board meeting 12/20/16

Present were Jeremy, Mary, Bryan, Marna, Becky and Denise

Treasurer’s report:  We made $1510.00 from the holiday party bottle auction.  We have $44,608.91 in the general account. Voted to give Jim Van Camp $100 (reimbursement for travel expenses re food bank pick up. Still have to cut a check for $1000.00 to the food bank.

Unanimous vote to ask the club to confirm lunches at the senior center.

Marna is president-elect. Bryan will act as “head” president through the remainder of the year.

Allan Terrett had suggested that holiday party funds go to the Snack Pack program or needy children.  The money will stay in the general fund for now.

Unanimous vote to hold $4400. 00 for basketball program. Karlie will invoice us when she needs to buy items.

Slate of officers to present to club: Marna, PE; Jeremy, PPE; Becky, treasurer; Denise, secretary. At large: Mary, Gloria, Tara?, Ron?

Next board meeting 1/25/17 at Indian Creek

Board Meeting 10/27/16

Present were Denise, Becky, Mary, Bryan and Jeremy.

Discussed having a link to the food bank on our web site or through a non-profit site. Decided not to have links to any other organization on our website.

Bryan will meet with Roseann for initial High on Health meeting. Would like two other Rotarians to join him.

Becky will talk to Rod’n Reel about possible dates for the Christmas party.

Board voted to ask Marna to come back.

Jeremy and Marna are willing to take the PETS course. Neither is able to be President fully so will work with each other.

Board voted to give Tiffany $1000 to help with medical expenses.

We agreed to be involved with Relay for Life next year and to ask the Agness FD to make breakfast.

Business Lunch Meeting 10/5/16

We received a thank you note from Jacob Carpenter, a scholarship recipient.

We received a $2000 grant from the District for next year’s STEAM program. We could have up to 90 children participate.

The membership voted to amend our budget to add $1000 for the food programs in the city. A committee will be formed to decide on dispersal of the funds.

Business Lunch Meeting 8/03/16

Carl reported the STEAM program was a huge success.  In a 2 day program, 20 children worked with Lego robotics kits.

Becky reported 4 members still have not paid dues.

Bryan reported Bike the Rogue has 16 people signed up so far and Mary gave a check to Karlie and Tara for Rotary to sponsor their team.

the membership voted to give $250 in memory of Bob Reed.

Dale reported that we give $2500 to Ready to Smile.

Once again we discussed giving more money to food banks, soup kitchens and other free meals programs.

We are discussing new fund raising events since we no longer do the Salmon Derby. Marna suggested a dog-walk and obstacle course as one venue.

Board Minutes 6/30/16

Present were Carl, Becky, Mary and Denise
Cape Blanco Music Festival will not offer transportation wagons this year so the 3 clubs may not make as much money as last year.
Karlie is offering a “bike rodeo” for children to learn about bike safety. Carl and Bryan will help’
Still no decision as to whether the food shed will go the baseball team.
Carl announced the RCF 501c3 will be filed July 1.
We discussed giving a new scholarship to post-graduates who have at least one year of college and are studying in the health field.
Discussed rebuilding the Rotary benches with cedar or Trex.

Board Minutes 9/28/2016

Present were Marna Williams, Becky Atherton, Gloria Eide, Mary Stansell, Carl King and Denise King.

Becky proposed Brent Lawrence for membership. Unanimous vote to approve. Denise will send letter to club members.

Voted to send a letter to David Allen requesting he pay dues or resign from the club.

District Governor is coming to Gold Beach on October 4 and we will have a social hour and dinner at Rod ‘n Reel. He will attend the club meeting Wednesday the 5th.

Tara Simonson has agreed to take on the dictionary program.

Carl proposed taking Becky and Denise off as signatories on the Rogue Credit Union account. Gloria and Mary agreed to be co-signers. 5 in favor, one nay.

Discussed placement of the new benches which are being made by high school students. Several businesses do not want them as transients tend to use them.  City hall will take a replacement.

Since Mangia Buff is closing, we discussed alternate meeting places. Agreed to try several between November and December. The first 2 weeks in November will be at the Fairgrounds. Marna will speak to Ron about it.

Treasurer’s report: $53,000 in checking account. Discussed restricted funds and the need to use them now as opposed to having them sit in the bank.

Gloria proposed giving money to the food bank.  Agreed and will bring to the membership for a vote.

The scholarship committee and the board agreed to give Jake Buffington $1000 toward his degree in health care. He is the first recipient of the new scholarship which is available to people who have completed at least one year of post-secondary school education in health care.

Business Meeting 8/3/2016

Jeremy reported that the first STEAM program was very successful. 20 children signed up for the robotics 2 day course.
As of today, 4 members still have not paid their annual dues.
Bryan reported that 16 riders have signed up for Bike the Rogue. He also noted that the route has changed.
Mary gave a check to support the Relay and Tara and Karlie named the GB Rotary Club as their team sponsor.
The club voted to donate $250 in memory of Bob Reed.
Dale reported that Rotary gives $2500 to Ready to Smile.
Bryan brought up for discussion whether the club should participate in local free meals programs. It was agreed that we should look into it. Denise, Mary and Becky are willing to participate.
Marna thought a dog-walk and obstacle course could be a fun fundraising activity.
August 31 is the next club social.

Board Minutes 4/26/2016

Present were Carl King, Bryan Grummon, Jeremy Skinner, Denise King and Gloria Eide. Gloria couldn’t stay so there was no quorum. No votes were taken but the following ideas were discussed:

Gloria had very generously given money to a family in need of food. The board’s concern was that Rotary would be seen as a go-to source for emergency funding. Carl thought to talk to CHF to learn their guidelines for fund allocations. Jeremy would like to see coordination with the food bank so individuals don’t get tapped.

As incoming president, Carl would like to see certain ideas discussed by the board but brought to the club for a vote.
Jake Buffington applied for a scholarship to help finish his college education. The concern, again, is that Rotary not be seen as a go-to funding organization. Denise brought up the fact that Jake was a RYLA representative in high school and we ought to re-establish RYLA. As youth coordinators, Mick Espinoza and Roy Durfee should be part of that discussion.

Other properties to be identified for the Beautification Program?
Another possible town wide activity was brought up- a Halloween festival offering both adults’ and children’s games.