Board Minutes 4/26/2016

Present were Carl King, Bryan Grummon, Jeremy Skinner, Denise King and Gloria Eide. Gloria couldn’t stay so there was no quorum. No votes were taken but the following ideas were discussed:

Gloria had very generously given money to a family in need of food. The board’s concern was that Rotary would be seen as a go-to source for emergency funding. Carl thought to talk to CHF to learn their guidelines for fund allocations. Jeremy would like to see coordination with the food bank so individuals don’t get tapped.

As incoming president, Carl would like to see certain ideas discussed by the board but brought to the club for a vote.
Jake Buffington applied for a scholarship to help finish his college education. The concern, again, is that Rotary not be seen as a go-to funding organization. Denise brought up the fact that Jake was a RYLA representative in high school and we ought to re-establish RYLA. As youth coordinators, Mick Espinoza and Roy Durfee should be part of that discussion.

Other properties to be identified for the Beautification Program?
Another possible town wide activity was brought up- a Halloween festival offering both adults’ and children’s games.