Category Archives: Board Minutes

Board Minutes 09/10/19

Board Minutes 9/10/19

In attendance: Mary, Carly, Bryan, Becky, Sandra, Jeremy

  • We discussed the success of Bike the Rogue. Next year we are going to take some pressure off Bryan and Sandy by assembling a committee to organize this event. If anyone is interested in chairing or participating on this committee, please contact Sandra or Bryan for details.
  • Board agreed to forward Deca Fletcher’s application on to membership for review and acceptance.
  • Sandra received a call from Laurie Van Zante thanking us for the hard work on the triangle. Gold Beach Main Street is very pleased with how wonderful the triangle is looking. The next clean up they would love to come out and help us with the objective of cutting down the lavender for the winter season. Sandra would like to see us take an hour on our September 28th clean update to work on the triangle and then an hour working on our 3 mile stretch of Jerry’s flat road. We need about 8 people to accomplish these tasks.
  • First quarterly social will be sometime in October at Sandra’s new house. Details to come.
  • Membership will be receiving an email about a potential new member. Please respond to the email with any comments or questions.
  • Marna requested that the GBRC board discuss the application of a couple restricted gifts she and her family gave to the GB Rotary Foundation. The club board decided not to discuss this matter since we do not participate in the operations of the foundation operations.
  • Board agreed to not sign an agreement with Sr. Center. We agreed that Carly would draft a letter outlining the use of the Sr. Center that we see is appropriate for our use of the center.
  • Upcoming events:
    o Turkey Trot November 30th
    o Christmas party and bottle auction will be a potluck at Leonard’s home on December 14th at 4:30pm
  • Events that need committees or chairpersons:
    o High on Health
    o Bike the Rogue
  • Our next meeting is on October 8th at lunch in the library conference room.

Board Minutes 08/06/19

Present were Bryan Grummon, Sandra Otter, Hazel Rush, Becky Atherton, Carly Kruse and Denise King.

First on the agenda was a discussion on what, if anything, to do with people who want to be involved but don’t necessarily want to join Rotary. Bryan suggested an auxiliary type of designation or making them honorary members; Becky suggested that some members, to avoid paying dues, would choose to become “honorary”. Denise suggested that we just add those names to our emails concerning our events.

Jordan White’s name will go out to club for membership proposal.
The website needs to be updated. Bryan will reach out to the administrator.

Bryan announced Bike the Rogue is September 7, flyers have been distributed to 50 newspapers. The Turkey Trot is November 30 and Tara Simonson agreed to chair. Leonard Phillips will chair the Christmas social and it will be held at his house Dec. 14 (as of now). Someone will contact Marna about the Emergency Preparedness Event.

Possible venues for quarterly socials could be the new brewery, Umpqua Bank, Dr. Rush’s office and maybe Wild Oaks Grill.
Future board meetings will be on the 1st Thursday of each month, at noon, in the library small conference room.

Becky read the FYE report. Unanimous vote to move the Cinco de Mayo money to the general fund and to move the Kolen Scholarship fund to the general fund to use for one scholarship. Unanimous vote to move $25,000 into a 13 month CD, at 2% or higher.

Unanimous vote to remove existing signatories on the bank accounts and to have future signatories be board members (president, past president and treasurer). In this case, Sandra Otter (President), Bryan Grummon (Past President) and Becky Atherton (Treasurer).

Board Minutes 07/02/19

Present were Bryan Grummon, Jeremy skinner, Mary Stansell, Sandra otter, (Becky Atherton, late) and Denise King.

The first item on the agenda was the grant application for $2000 for an AED (defibrillator) for Curry Public library. After a brief discussion the board voted unanimously to approve.
Next was further discussion of the amended grant application from Main Street for money for irrigation of the “triangle”. A unanimous vote to give $500.

A third grant consideration was from the Calvary Apostolic Church for $1000 to send a child to a “life-changing” church camp experience. The result was a unanimous “no” vote because Rotary does not get involved in religion or politics.
Sandra reported that Rotary’s share of High on Health proceeds is $19,928.

Sandra presented her concerns about educating new members as to their responsibilities as members. She proposed a new member kit which would, in detail, explain what is expected of new members, financial expectations (including happy dollars) and a brief history of the gold beach club.

(The secretary had to leave early so if anything is left out, please add!)

Board minutes 05/14/19

Present were Jeremy Skinner, Mary Stansell, Marna Williams, Bryan Grummon, Carly Kruse, Sandra Otter, and Denise King

Sandra reported that 195 tickets were sold for Moonlight over Mexico. Total profit was $40,000, $21G coming from sponsors, split in half with the CHF.

Sandra produced her preliminary budget and separate line items were discussed, including donations to the RC school.

Bryan reported that 16 kiosks were lined up for Party in the Park, three more than last year. We will have to spread out to the tennis courts. Prices were settled on $8 per adult, $4 per child.  Mary suggested that club members who don’t participate be asked to donate $20 for “scholarships” for foster children.

Sandra brought up the idea of a Rotary Club magazine, which other clubs produce. As incoming president, Sandra introduced the idea of moving the lunch meetings to the Soroptimists building. It would cost us $80 a month but allow us to make our own lunches.

The first Wednesday in June is the annual business meeting, where Sandra will present her final budget.

GB Main Street asked for $2400 to finish the triangle irrigation project. Unanimous no vote.

Judy Lopez (Brookings club) would like to start a joint club program building fitness trails. Open for further discussion

Board Minutes 04/09/19

Treasurer’s report
The first quarter report with a balance of $51,892.24 was given and approved.
Jeremy brought to the board’s attention a number of funding requests. The following were unanimously approved:
$200 to the Lower Rogue Watershed Council
$500 to Curry County Voices
$1000 to the SAR Rope team
$1000 to Snack Pack
The requested funding for the Christian School in Brookings was turned down. Marna suggested it is more appropriate to go through Master Gardeners.
With all these checks being presented, Mary suggested we use a giant fake check for photos, a la Publisher’s Clearinghouse.

General Discussion
Party in the Park is July 13, 2019. This year we hope to have a green screen and filming by CCV.

Moonlight in Mexico has $20,500 in sponsorships.
Emergency Preparedness Workshop is Oct. 12 this year. Jeremy Dumire has expressed an interest in being more involved.

Tim Harding is hosting an International championship jet boat race in May of 2020. Rotary will help with marketing.
Interviews are scheduled for the 5 GBHS scholarship students.
Marna and John Rush will spearhead a road cleanup. Marna also reported that Main Street doesn’t want us to put down landscape fabric in the triangle.

Board Minutes 03/05/19

Present were Sandra Otter, Carly Kruse, Bryan Grummon, Tara Simonson, Denise King. Jeremy Skinner and Dave Johnston were present electronically.

Minutes were approved.

Announced that the Assistant District Governor, Del Gray, will be in Gold Beach March 26-27. A dinner meeting with him at the library is on the 26th and he will speak at the club meeting on the 27th.

Sandra reported that students from the after school program will decorate the room for High on Health and there will be a raffle with a cash prize. They are looking for different price points for items in the silent auction.

Curry County Voices: Bryan suggested that if continuing Channel 182 becomes an issue then we can maintain programming on our website. Dave wanted to know if anything has been done to get the 2 other cities on board.

Trail and triangle cleanup: March 29th is set for cleanup as it is school vacation week and the club would like students to participate. Main Street estimated that $2475 is needed for underground irrigation at the triangle. After discussion the board decided that the club should determine a set amount to give them as they have other sources for funds and they need to submit a formal application.

National Volunteer Month:  A number of names were suggested from outside of the club, also local businesses and/or organizations who contribute. David offered that for several months the club has been looking to increase membership and questioned whether part of recognizing individuals and businesses could be leveraged to increase membership.

Marna spoke about the upcoming Emergency Prep program and would like to involve the schools.

Board Minutes 02/07/19

The Board of the Gold Beach Rotary Club met at noon on Thursday, February 7, 2019, at the Board Room of the Curry Public Library. In attendance were President Jeremy Skinner, Board Members Brian Grummon, Becky Atherton, Mary Stansell, David Johnston, Denise King, Marna Williams, Tara Simonson, and guest speaker Carl King.

The main topic of discussion addressed the agenda item concerning Gold Beach Rotary Club’s (Club) and The Gold Beach Rotary Foundation’s (Foundation) involvement with Curry County Voices. Curry County Voices (CCV) is the trade name used by The Gold Beach Rotary Foundation in promotion of the effort under the Foundation’s permit with Curry County government, as enacted by the Curry County Board of Commissioners (BOC), whereby Curry County has authorized the Foundation, by and through CCV, to create and broadcast public interest, educational, and government (PEG) content on Charter Cable/Spectrum’s channel 182. Combined, the Club and Foundation have invested/contributed $4,000 or more, which does not include any contributions by individual members, to the CCV effort.

Mr. Carl King was invited to address the Board and discuss the impact that the machinations of the current BOC now has on the longevity and/or effectiveness of CCV in keeping with its permitted charter. Mr. King reported that the public, or “P,” in PEG has been all but eliminated at the direction of the current BOC, and that County Counsel has begun to apply a rather convoluted but strict interpretation of what “education” is to include within the current BOC interpretation of CCV’s charter/permit.

Additionally, the BOC now demands that it have the ability to demand edits (essentially, amounting to censorship) of any “political” content with which the majority of the BOC may ‘disagree’ or ‘find offensive.’

The Board discussed its concerns as to the prior degree of Club and Foundation funding, the potential for future funding, the degree to which it recognized the imperative to not be involved in or support censoring broadcast content, and the impact continuing CCV may have on the entire community (Countywide, not merely limited to Gold Beach).

Mary Stansell made a motion that the Club adopt a resolution whereby the Club expresses its continuing support of CCV and the need to avoid censoring content.  Bryan Grummon seconded the motion, and the Board entertained discussion as to the motion.

David brought up DG Bill Grile’s agenda: how Rotary can change the world. Can we get the other clubs to join us in supporting CCV? Bryan suggested that CCV is non-partisan and should ignore the BOC.

Marna Williams-Johnson expressed displeasure that one of the public service announcements broadcast on channel 182 and available on the CCV website included another Rotary member’s commercial property in its call for garnering community involvement in “change.” Ms. Johnson was also concerned that the viewing public may interpret CCV content as being associated with, or even endorsed by, the Club, even though the Foundation, and not the Club, is the legal entity “in charge” of CCV. Several Board members agreed that the viewing public would simply believe there is no difference between “The Gold Beach Rotary Foundation, Inc.” and “Rotary Club of Gold Beach,” and assume that all CCV content is associated with, affiliated with, and sponsored or produced by Rotary Club of Gold Beach. The Board discussed whether there could be sufficient mechanisms to separate “Rotary Club of Gold Beach” from having any involvement in CCV, whether direct or as perceived by the public.

Several Board members recalled prior incidents where the Club established various other initiatives and/or foundations which resulted in disharmony between the initiative/foundation and Club members/personnel, and were concerned that any funds provided by the Club to the Foundation for CCV could be redirected or used in ways contrary to what the Club hoped, desired and/or intended to achieve. Mr. Johnston inquired as to whether the Foundation’s Board was to limited in composition to only Club members in good standing, and asked that the Foundation’s governing documents be reviewed to confirm whether Club membership was required of all Foundation Board members. Mr. King stated that he believed that there was a limit as to the number of Foundation Board members who were also Club Board members but did not immediately recall, and did not have the governing documents with him during this Board meeting, as to whether the composition of the Foundation’s Board was limited to only those who are Club members in good standing. Additional discussion as to whether separate entities could or should be established, such that either the Club have control over CCV and/or that the Club could distance itself from CCV. Mr. King expressed his concern that the Club should not position itself to ever engage in censorship of CCV content, similar to what it appears the current BOC is attempting to do, and several Board members concurred.

Twelve minutes past the scheduled meeting time David Johnston made a motion to table the vote on Ms. Stansell’s motion until the Board has additional time to gather/review additional facts and complete the discussion on the merits. Mr. Johnston’s motion was seconded by Tara Simonson, and the motion to table the vote and continue further discussion at a future time was unanimously passed by the Board.

Board Minutes 01/08/19

It was noted that Denise sent the business meeting minutes for the board to review instead of the board minutes. She then read the correct minutes which were approved.

The Bottle Auction netted $1790.00. Becky noted that one club member hadn’t paid dues. She will invoice the member and Jeremy will contact that member.

Ariel from Gold Beach Main Street will make an announcement at the club meeting to let people know when the next GBMS meeting is. They will be looking to form committees. The board discussed possible dates for trail clean up and the triangle: February 16 for the triangle and March 29 for the triangle.

Mary, Carly and Karlie are the scholarship committee. They will set a date for the students to meet for a basic intro to writing scholarship applications. They are introducing a common application for students at GBHS to make the process easier. It was suggested that a topic in the new application be how the student has benefitted from community involvement.

Becky is trying to get speakers for club meetings.  New members will be asked to give their classification talks and it was suggested that older members also do so.

April is National Volunteer Month. Jeremy will ask the club to nominate community members and organizations/businesses who donate time and /or space to help our community.

Business Meeting 12/19/18

Becky reported the Holiday Bottle Auction made $1700.

The new board slate (2019-2020) was approved and voted for by the membership. The incoming board is: Sandra Otter, Pres., Marna Williams, Pres 2020-2021, Jeremy Skinner, past pres., Becky Atherton, treasurer, Denise King, secretary, Hazel Rush, Bryan Grummon, Carly Kruse, David Johnston, Mary Stansell.

High on Health dinner and auction will be held on May 4th with a Cinco de Mayo theme.  Entertainment is a flamenco dancer and guitarist.

The Rotary 4 Way Test speech contest will be held for high school students. The winner will go on to a regional contest.

Carly Kruse, Mary Stansell and Karlie Wright are in charge of the Rotary Scholarships. A meeting will be set up for students who are looking for scholarships. The purpose of the meeting is to help students understand the application process and what the committee looks for in the application.

Denise King, RYLA liaison, let the board know that she tried to get early camp information so students’ families can make summer plans that don’t conflict.

Jim Kolen mentioned a proposal by Oregon Rural Electric Coop Assoc to build an electricity facility in Guatemala. Carl King suggested we apply for both district and RI grants.

Board Minutes 12/04/18

Present were Jeremy Skinner, Marna Williams, Becky Atherton, Carly Kruse, Tara Simonson and Denise King.

Becky listed checks that have gone out: dues to RI and district, $500 to Riley Creek school, reimbursements to Party in the Park and Bike the Rogue, and 5 of the awarded scholarships.
Tiffany Somers requested $1000 toward new mats for the wrestling team. The board voted to take it to the membership. We also voted to give $500 to the Fairgrounds for their holiday dinners and $500 to the Senior Center for Meals on Wheels.

Sandra Otter is the liaison to High on Health.

Will ask for nominations for next year’s board at the next club meeting.

It is noted that we need new microphones and a projector for power point presentations.

There will be no meeting on December 26.