Board Minutes 08/06/19

Present were Bryan Grummon, Sandra Otter, Hazel Rush, Becky Atherton, Carly Kruse and Denise King.

First on the agenda was a discussion on what, if anything, to do with people who want to be involved but don’t necessarily want to join Rotary. Bryan suggested an auxiliary type of designation or making them honorary members; Becky suggested that some members, to avoid paying dues, would choose to become “honorary”. Denise suggested that we just add those names to our emails concerning our events.

Jordan White’s name will go out to club for membership proposal.
The website needs to be updated. Bryan will reach out to the administrator.

Bryan announced Bike the Rogue is September 7, flyers have been distributed to 50 newspapers. The Turkey Trot is November 30 and Tara Simonson agreed to chair. Leonard Phillips will chair the Christmas social and it will be held at his house Dec. 14 (as of now). Someone will contact Marna about the Emergency Preparedness Event.

Possible venues for quarterly socials could be the new brewery, Umpqua Bank, Dr. Rush’s office and maybe Wild Oaks Grill.
Future board meetings will be on the 1st Thursday of each month, at noon, in the library small conference room.

Becky read the FYE report. Unanimous vote to move the Cinco de Mayo money to the general fund and to move the Kolen Scholarship fund to the general fund to use for one scholarship. Unanimous vote to move $25,000 into a 13 month CD, at 2% or higher.

Unanimous vote to remove existing signatories on the bank accounts and to have future signatories be board members (president, past president and treasurer). In this case, Sandra Otter (President), Bryan Grummon (Past President) and Becky Atherton (Treasurer).