Business Meeting 4/5/17

The meeting opened with Becky giving Nancy Giovanetti her Rotary pin.
The Cinco de Mayo fundraiser will have 10 tables of 8. Tickets are $15 per adult, children under 12 are free. Tara is in charge of children’s games. Table sponsors are responsible for bringing alcohol for their tables.

Marna passed around a sign up sheet for greeters.
Dale came on the membership committee. The club discussed how to bring in younger members and possible guest speakers like the port manager and more hospital staff.
The membership unanimously voted for the increase in dues: $175 per individual and $250 per family and businesses.
As president this year, Marna’s theme is emergency preparedness. We will ask Brookings and Port Orford to join in an event in the fall where we will bring totes to fill with emergency aids, such as fire starters and water purifiers. We also will take advantage of our resources: SAR, Coos Curry Electric, Don Kendall (emergency management). She suggested Rotary might sell “I Can Help” t-shirts.
For people unclear on the concept, Mary and Bryan explained the raffle.
Dale spoke of the difference between the Gold Beach Rotary foundation and the Gold Beach Community Fund. Examples of future grants are water fountains and bottle fillers for Riley Creek middle school and materials for painting the lockers at the high school. Main Streets (beautification program) has asked for help to build a new fence at the Riley Creek garden.
The voted unanimously to reimburse Bryan $350 for out of pocket expenses.
The next board meeting is 4/26.