Category Archives: Local Service Projects

Gold Beach High School Scholarships

The Rotary Club of Gold Beach’s Scholarship Committee works closely with the local high school in soliciting applications for scholarships and evaluating the applicants. Scholarships are awarded annually near the end of the school year.

Scholarship amounts are determined each based on available funds, but typical scholarships range from $500 to $2000. The scholarships are earned by students who complete the formal written application and successfully complete an interview with the Gold Beach Rotary scholarship committee.

Rotary Youth Leadership Award

The Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) is awarded to two deserving high school students annually. Consequently, the students participate in a ‘Leadership Camp’ and gain valuable leadership skills and experience.

Many prior attendees have gone on to become leaders at their school and beyond.

Youth Exchange

Each year, the Rotary Club of Gold Beach has the opportunity to sponsor both an inbound and an outbound exchange student.

The inbound student arrives sometime in August and spends the school year with at least three Rotary families in the community while attending Gold Beach High School. Recent exchange students have come to us from Ecuador, Brazil, Columbia, and Switzerland.

The purpose of the exchange program is to promote the understanding of different cultures. Our exchange student attends our weekly meeting and shares their week’s experience with the club. During the year, the student also regularly meets with the other exchange students in the District, often forming lasting relationships.

The student often prepares a presentation about their home country for the club.

This year we are pleased to host Lia from Switzerland!

Recent Outbound students from Gold Beach have traveled as far as Brazil.

Rotary Exchange Students Over the Years.  Below are the students we have hosted.
1983 – Kuno Katto – Japan
1984 – Julia Sankalo – Finland
1986 – Janie Marshall – South Africa
1987 – Paula Pinto – Brazil
1989 – Jacob Bronner – Denmark
1990 – Carla Ferreira – Brazil
1991 – Miriam Branlich – Germany
1992 – Julien Lettilier – France
1993 – Anna Hovila – Finland
1994 – Fredirico Garcia – Mexico
1995 – Gail Smith – South Africa
1996 – Christina Imhof – Switzerland
1997 – Vincent Gneslan – Belgium
1998 – Katla Holejsvska – Slovakia
1999 – Jamie Box – Australia
2000 – Daniella Ruiz – Equador
2001 – Federico Gonzalez – Argentina
2002 – Diane Thake – South Africa
2003 – Delphine Vaudiau – France
2004 – Pri Aguiar – Brazil
2005 – Anna Hovila – Denmark
2006 – Gunnva Iila – Faroe Islands
2007 – Niko Echeverri – Columbia
2008 – Thibaut Ceuterick – Belgium
2009 – Michelle Bareno – Equador
2014 – Olivier – Belgium
2023- Lia Gasser – Switzerland

Look at all the Gold Beach  Rotary Exchange Students we have sponsored over the Years.  Below are our local students that have traveled through the exchange program.
1983 – Beth Hallmark, Brazil
1984 – Phillip Rose, Mexico,
1985 – Jeff Waltz, Sweden
1986 – Joe Mross, Mexico, Kari Flynn, Chile
1987 – Marci Giottonini, S. Africa
1988 – Tracy Wilson, S. Africa, Becca Ellenbecker, Denmark
1989 –  Wes Southard, France
1990 – Jodi Giottonini, Brazil
1991 – Carrie Crook, Sweden, Crissa Crook, Mexico
1992 – Tami Walker, South Africa
1993 – Cam Gardner, Finland, Ryan Spicer, Sweden
1995 – Lacy Westfall, Belgium
1996 -Rachael BRown, South Africa
1998 -Brooke Stuart, Brazil, Mae Culbertson, Belgium. Michelle Clary Australia
1999 – Molly OʼDwyer, Brazil, Kyle Ringer, S. Africa, Camilla Jakacky, Ecuador
2000 – LeAnne Genovese, Belgium, Rain Halcumb, Mexico
2003 – Laura Rysdall, South Africa
2005 – Dana Rysdall, Brazil
2023 – Emmett Hawthorne, Taiwan

Youth Dictionary Project

Gold Beach Rotary Club Dictionary ProjectHistorically, the Rotary Club of Gold Beach has worked closely with the local school district to not only present each 3rd grade student with their own dictionary, but also visit the school and instruct the students in their use. It is a fun occasion for both the youth and the rotarians!

The Rotary Club of Gold Beach participates each year in The Dictionary Project. The goal of this program is to assist all students in completing the school year as good writers, active readers and creative thinkers by providing students with their own personal dictionary. The dictionaries are a gift to each student to use at school and at home for years to come.

Reading is the most important skill of all. It is the starting point for all the economic and social opportunities this world has to offer. Educators see third grade as the dividing line between learning to read and reading to learn. Every year we watch The Dictionary Project grow by expanding our pool of sponsors, so more children can enjoy the benefits of owning their own personal dictionary.

High on Health Annual Benefit Fundraiser

The Curry Health Foundation is dedicated to supporting health care in Curry County.  Many of the health services that you receive in Curry County have been made possible by help from the Curry Health Foundation. Here are just a few of the results of the Foundation’s grant program, that have assisted in making better health care possible throughout Curry County:

Each year, the Curry Health Foundation and the Rotary Club of Gold Beach work together to assemble this fundraising benefit dinner – High on Health. In 2018, we are pleased to have host Magician Adam the Great, with both live & silent auctions.  Proceeds from the event will be used for health related needs in the area.


Bike The Rogue

13th Annual Rotary

September 7, 2024 –
23, 38, and 62 Mile Rides

The Bike the Rogue routes follow the banks of the Rogue River in this spectacularly scenic  & remote southwestern corner of Oregon…where the Rogue River meets the ocean.  The 38 and 62 mile rides include 7 miles along the Pacific Ocean with panoramic views of beaches, sea stacks, & rugged coastline.

All three rides start and finish at Buffington Park in Gold Beach.   A continental breakfast is provided at the start of the event with well-stocked rest stations every 7-10 miles along the route.  FREE continental breakfast at start and FREE pizza & beer after the event.

Registration  7:00  –  9:00 AM .  The 62 mile route starts at 8AM and the 23 and 38-mile routes may start anytime between 8 and 9 AM. Registration fees and maps are as follows:

23 Mile Ride: ~1100 vertical feet. $55

38 Mile Ride: ~2000 vertical feet. $65

62 Mile Ride: ~3700 vertical feet. $75



You may also sign up and register at the event.  The ride starts at Buffington Park (3 blocks east of Highway 101 on Gauntlet St.) in Gold Beach, Oregon.

This is a SAFETY FIRST event and Helmets Are Required.

Gold Beach Rotary is an equal opportunity recreation provider
operating under a special use permit within the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.

Pictures From 2023