Board Minutes 04/09/19

Treasurer’s report
The first quarter report with a balance of $51,892.24 was given and approved.
Jeremy brought to the board’s attention a number of funding requests. The following were unanimously approved:
$200 to the Lower Rogue Watershed Council
$500 to Curry County Voices
$1000 to the SAR Rope team
$1000 to Snack Pack
The requested funding for the Christian School in Brookings was turned down. Marna suggested it is more appropriate to go through Master Gardeners.
With all these checks being presented, Mary suggested we use a giant fake check for photos, a la Publisher’s Clearinghouse.

General Discussion
Party in the Park is July 13, 2019. This year we hope to have a green screen and filming by CCV.

Moonlight in Mexico has $20,500 in sponsorships.
Emergency Preparedness Workshop is Oct. 12 this year. Jeremy Dumire has expressed an interest in being more involved.

Tim Harding is hosting an International championship jet boat race in May of 2020. Rotary will help with marketing.
Interviews are scheduled for the 5 GBHS scholarship students.
Marna and John Rush will spearhead a road cleanup. Marna also reported that Main Street doesn’t want us to put down landscape fabric in the triangle.