Present were Sandra Otter, Carly Kruse, Bryan Grummon, Tara Simonson, Denise King. Jeremy Skinner and Dave Johnston were present electronically.
Minutes were approved.
Announced that the Assistant District Governor, Del Gray, will be in Gold Beach March 26-27. A dinner meeting with him at the library is on the 26th and he will speak at the club meeting on the 27th.
Sandra reported that students from the after school program will decorate the room for High on Health and there will be a raffle with a cash prize. They are looking for different price points for items in the silent auction.
Curry County Voices: Bryan suggested that if continuing Channel 182 becomes an issue then we can maintain programming on our website. Dave wanted to know if anything has been done to get the 2 other cities on board.
Trail and triangle cleanup: March 29th is set for cleanup as it is school vacation week and the club would like students to participate. Main Street estimated that $2475 is needed for underground irrigation at the triangle. After discussion the board decided that the club should determine a set amount to give them as they have other sources for funds and they need to submit a formal application.
National Volunteer Month: A number of names were suggested from outside of the club, also local businesses and/or organizations who contribute. David offered that for several months the club has been looking to increase membership and questioned whether part of recognizing individuals and businesses could be leveraged to increase membership.
Marna spoke about the upcoming Emergency Prep program and would like to involve the schools.