Board Minutes 9/2/2015

Present: Mary, Marna, Jeremy, Bryan, Gloria, Denise
Unanimously voted to give $500. to Gold Beach Youth Soccer.
The board voted unanimously to bring Mary and Gloria on.
We voted to take Bryan Little off the board, to switch the basketball checking account to Umpqua. Marna agreed to be the liaison to the basketball group.
New business: discussed helping Jot’s with a bridge lighting ceremony.
Voted unanimously to donate $500 towards the fireworks.
Discussed the need to have schedules for Cape Blanco music festival early.
Discussed whether we can help the Fairgrounds and should Rotary continue to have lunch there or move to different restaurants.
We also discussed assigning seating at lunch.
Jeremy asked if some of us would go to Buffington Park to meet the new faculty members of our schools.
Mary and Gloria will check up on the dictionaries for the 5th grade.