Board Minutes 2/22/17

Topics for discussion were:
Party in the Park will be held on July 18 with a Lego theme. We will collect Legos to hand out to the children as they go through the various activities. Discussed whether to give a grand prize (winner must be present to win) or to earmark the proceeds for something else.
There was a question as to where the snack pack money has gone and who is in charge of it. We did get a thank you note from Maureen Boyle for our $1000 donation.
From Marna: Should we have the officers listed on the front page of our newsletter? Would like to assign a weekly greeter who will also give the thought for the day.
Roy has had several students interested in RYLA. We will send 2 to RYLA and Becky will send the check to the district.
Discussed the basketball fundraiser and decide to table it. Much doubt as to whether we can afford to do it.
Our next fundraiser will be on Cinco de Mayo with fish tacos and games for the children. It will be held in both rooms at the Senior Center, public invited.